• ILS’s manufacturing partner, AQUA SOLUTIONS produces laboratory water purification systems that economically deliver high reagent grade water for all types of laboratory applications. 
  • Their products include Hydrogen Generators, and Type I and Type II Purification Systems. 
  • Aqua Solutions and ILS is dedicated to providing reliable customer service in all industries they provide service to.

Hydrogen Generators

Our manufacturing partner, Aqua Solutions designs many models of water purification systems. Aqua Solution’s Hydrogen gas generators are a safe and suitable option compared to high-pressure cylinders of H2.

Type I Ultra Pure Systems

Aqua Solutions’ Type I Ulta-Pure Water Reagant Grade DI System exceeds ASTM, CAP, and CLSL standards. This Type I Ultra-Pure water purification system is cost-effective and can be used with either type of water.

Type II Point of use RODI Systems

The TYpe II POint of Use RODI System from Aqua Solutions was designed with user-installation and servicing features. The Type II Point of use RODI Systems are commonly used in the washing cycle of laboratory instruments.