Hydrogen Generators
Our manufacturing partner, Aqua Solutions designs many models of water purification systems. Aqua Solution’s Hydrogen gas generators are a safe and suitable option compared to high-pressure cylinders of H2.
Our range of high-quality products includes:
Our manufacturing partner, Aqua Solutions designs many models of water purification systems. Aqua Solution’s Hydrogen gas generators are a safe and suitable option compared to high-pressure cylinders of H2.
Aqua Solutions’ Type I Ulta-Pure Water Reagant Grade DI System exceeds ASTM, CAP, and CLSL standards. This Type I Ultra-Pure water purification system is cost-effective and can be used with either type of water.
The TYpe II POint of Use RODI System from Aqua Solutions was designed with user-installation and servicing features. The Type II Point of use RODI Systems are commonly used in the washing cycle of laboratory instruments.